Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Dead of the Night

Slightest crunchy noise awakens me. A feeling of horror overwhelms my body.. I scream out.. It's Cooper... Him and his little rat feet who's come back to haunt my days of existing. The cold sends a shiver through my bones. My breaths become shorter and shorter, hyperventilation at it's finest. Tears fall down my eyes as my mind is invaded by memories.

I lay as my body begins to tremble. I'm weaker than this.. Anger flushes through me.. A rat.. with his little rat feet controls me with his every move. *Crunch* *Crinkle* I hear again. I sit here whimpering. I can hear someone say "Run away little girl, run away"

Fetal position now, screamin', trembling, tears streaming. I can see them.. All of them. The rats, hidden away within the basement, within the walls, within the trash, within our cupboards, they are.. quite literally every where. Still screaming, the corner becomes my safe haven. I can hear them.. all of them and their little rat feet scurrying through the walls behind me.

The room feels cold, lifeless even. The rats saying they'll keep quiet and we won't even know they're here. But I know.. I've seen them... I can hear them... All their little rat feet. The couch is bitten through with their little rat teeth. The house infiltrated with rat droppings. Their markings they leave every where. How can something so small be so bothersome.

Up the stairs I run to escape the noise. I see one escape through my peripheral. They're last stand has been made in this house. I cannot elude them, I cannot get away. I will be trampled, eaten alive, with them they take my existence.

I scream out again. One just ran across my toes.. I felt his fur... A feeling of a spider web encasing my body comes over me. I squirm, I jump, I scream, I squeal in terror.. I cannot simply go back to sleep, with them plotting against me.

I sit down, and sway back and forth wiping tears away from my eyes. It's the dead of the night, darkness summons them. They're quiet when the sun is shining, but as soon as that sun replaces itself with the moon.. they charge at me... They charge at my possessions, at this very place I call home. They eat the walls, if they had control of us long enough they'll eat this place to the ground.

Make it stop... Make it stop... For the love of god make it stop!... Where do I run.. Where do I run.... I'm inside this house that these little creatures have trespassed against. I no longer feel safe... secure... I think that ended awhile ago...

Another day gone... Another day gone.... Another day gone... I'm ok... I'm ok... I'm ok..

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