Monday, October 19, 2015

Lab Results

Welp, I just got my labs back from my primary doctor. Apparently my cholesterol is really high, thyroid is suppressed, and my vitamin D3 levels are super low ( I hate milk lol). Regardless. I am being prescribed a medication for my thyroid and my vitaman D3 deficiency. My wonderful doctor told me that my cholesterol levels could be tied in with my thyroid function, so she told me to hold off on attempting medication, and see if the medication for my thyroid will get it lowered. She said in about a year, we will check it again and by then if it hasn't gone down we will need to go the medication route. I've been extremely nervous getting all of this stuff done. People with higher cholesterol are obviously more prone to heart attack or stroke and  I would hate to have one at the age of 25.

I feel good knowing that I'm getting these things done but it frustrates me knowing why I've waited til the age of 25 to get all of this done. I grew up in a home where I ate what I ate because there was nothing else to eat; now I'm fighting with myself to eat the same thing that helps me get better. Now I need to start looking for healthier recipes to make at home cholesterol friendly obviously.

I feel like I'm blaming my childhood for everything and granted I understand that I could of done some research and everything however I never knew any of this existed. I never grew up knowing about credit, I only know about it now because bills are being sent to collections left and right. I grew up not knowing what cholesterol was, or thyroid function, or even the basic necessity of brushing your teeth. I am correcting and rewiring my brain rather attempting to rid the course of my life.

It makes me angry to think that there's so many things impacting my health right now that I never knew or was educated about. I was extremely dissociated in school so I do not remember any of this in health class.

Meanwhile, while I am typing this up, I am on google researching the bad cholesterol and what not to eat etc etc.. Well so far, beef is out completely. I can't have fried chicken, or ice cream, or this or that. Fruit... Vegetables I can have, gold fish are out.. I'm gonna finish this pack though lol. Not wasting the 8 dollars we spent on this.

This is going to be so frustrating because this is totally going to fuck with my mental health. My alters absolutely HATE anything not fatty, not covered in unhealthiness. I NEED to get healthy.. I WANT to get healthy. Period. I have to.. if I'm going to survive.

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